.047uF Tone Cap In The Stratocaster

Tone Capacitor

I thought I’d give the .047 cap a try for the neck pickup setting in my stratocaster. It produces a fairly dark sound as you roll the tone knob back. You could almost call it a “jazzy” tone.

A .047 tone cap is a larger value than I was used to when I made this video. Basically with tone caps, the smaller you go in value, the more midrange it preserves.

Stratocaster Neck and Bridge Together

Middle Pickup Setting Stratocaster

You can call it a Telestrat if you want, or even a Strelecaster, but either way, it’s the best middle setting on a Stratocaster!

Using the strat neck and bridge together is one of the greatest Stratocaster tones and it isn’t even an option with the standard switching.

You can get a great funk tone, and it also does a great fake Telecaster sound.