This is my first time trying this format with an animated chord chart. I think it’s pretty cool, and All Things Your Are is the perfect chord melody to try it out on.
Easy Jazz Chords Every Guitar Player Should Know
In this lesson we go over some of the most important jazz guitar chord voicings. These are some of the basic jazz chord shells that you will use your entire life as a jazz guitarist.
These could be considered basic jazz guitar chords, but I think of them as foundational jazz chords.
The following chord voicings are all covered in the video. The idea is to have a major 7 chord, a minor 7 chord, a dominant 7 chord, and an m7b5 chord voicings with roots on the E string, and the A string of the guitar. These jazz guitar chord voicings will enable you to play many of the easier tunes in the real book. These chords are the foundation of jazz guitar, and you’ll use them your whole life.
Here is the ii-V-I jazz lick from the video, it’s in the key of G major:

Stacked Fourth Chords
I like to add stacked fourths to my playing sometimes. These little stacked fourth chords can be a cool way to spice up or comping, and you can also throw them in while you are improvising.